VINyasa flow |


Strong and flowing

Each Vinyasa Flow class is different but combines a strong, flowy, somewhat fast section to get the body warm and the breath moving through the body, and then we move into a slower pace with longer and deeper holds in postures. We end with a seated floor section and close with a blissful savasana. We endeavour to offer a very safe practice with variety of modifications for different levels of mobility.

restorative yoga |


Soft and relaxing

The class is a luxuriously comfortable class taken lying down in various gentle poses using supportive props. We practice consciously relaxing the body, allowing it to gently open and receive the benefits of a calmer nervous system and mind as we rest deeply.

hatha flow |


Slow and strong

Hatha Flow is a slow yet strong class offering a beautiful chance to move through a full range of asana (postures). Expect a gentle warm-up leading into strong, long holds seamlessly woven together to provide a space to tune in and recharge.

sunday sanctuary |


Relaxing and rejuvenating

Our special 1x a month extended session....a luxurious 75 minutes of gentle movement, restorative yoga and meditation. We'll begin by gently opening the body with slow, feel-good movement, spend the majority of the time in deeply restful restorative yoga poses, and end with guided meditation to leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. 

lunchtime vinyasa flow |


Powerful and revitalising

A short, sweet, yet powerful flowing vinyasa class to energise and refresh you. Avoid the midday/afternoon slump and stay revived for the rest of your day.

vinyasa flow (warm) |


Hot and strong

Each Vinyasa Flow class is different but combines a strong, flowy, faster paced section to get the body warm and the breath moving through the body. After, we descend into a slower more mindful pace with longer and deeper holds in asanas (postures). We end with a seated floor section and close with a blissful savasana (corpse pose). This class is 'strong', meaning you should expect to get a workout and feel you've worked your body, but it’s taught in an accessible, approachable way with many options offered. You will never be encouraged to do any posture that doesn't feel right for you and reminded to take rest at any time. The room is heated to about 28 degrees, allowing the body to safely warm up and enhance the experience.

creative flow |


Flowing and… a little bit different!

Something a little different for the adventurous types! Enjoy being guided through a creative sequence which allows time and space to playfully explore different movements of the body. We’ll take off our ‘auto-pilot’ feature to explore proprioception (understanding where your body is in space), and discover moving in a way that feels safe and unique to you.

Yin yoga |


Slow and deep

Yin Yoga is a nourishingly slow, floor-based style of yoga where postures are held for 3-5 minutes each. Yin offers a chance to deeply stretch the connective tissue (fascia) whilst infusing breathwork and meditation into a very enriching practice.

friday night slow down |


Soothing and nourishing

This is a slow, gentle Vinyasa Flow-based class. Expect mindful movement to help you decompress from the busy week and enter the weekend feeling moved, relaxed and recharged.